All about Signature

All about Signature

Our Signature blend is one of our most popular scents that features a sweet, musky scent. Available in Shaving Cream and pre-shave oil, read on to learn all about our Signature Scent.



What’s in our Signature Scent:

Our Signature fragrance is a perfect blend of Cedar, Bergamot, Lemon, Patchouli, and Vetivert essential oils to create a masculine scent.  Each essential oil used adds it’s own unique scent profile, which all combine to make a scent reminiscent of the wonderful aroma of a traditional barbershop.


Cedar essential oil is produced from the foliage, wood, and roots left from cedar trees that have been cut down for other uses.  It adds a woody scent that can change as it dries.


Bergamot essential oil is produced from inside the rind of bergamot orange fruits.  It is often used in perfumes and adds a sweet orange floral scent to our Signature blend.


Lemon essential oil is commonly used in cleaning products for a fresh, clean scent and when added to shaving products, helps to contribute to a luxurious, relaxing experience.


Patchouli essential oil is extracted from dried patchouli leaves using steam distillation, and is used to add the musky, sweet scent to our signature blend.


Extracted from the vetiver plant that is native to India, vetivert essential oil contains a distinctly earthy scent that you may recognize from any different men’s colognes.


Signature Shaving Cream:

Getting a close, smooth shave doesn’t have to be a chore – experience true luxury with every shave with our Signature Shaving Cream. Made with the finest ingredients and essential oils, our Signature Shaving Cream is formulated to moisturize and protect your skin, all while giving you a comfortably close shave. Our Signature Shaving Cream is a new take on an old barbershop classic tradition – or as pop would say, your musk.



Knightsbridge Signature Pre-Shave Oil

Take your shave to the next level with Knightsbridge Signature Pre-Shave oil. Apply our Signature pre-shave oil to your skin before shaving to reduce redness and prevent cuts and ingrown hairs with each shave. Your skin will feel softer and look better than ever before, and you’ll enjoy the classic barbershop scent of our Signature Pre-Shave Oil.


What Knightsbridge Customers Have to Say about Signature:

Do not be fooled by the size (1 fluid ounce). This stuff works wonderful and lasts quite awhile. It also has a great old time barbershop scent that has a decent longevity.


I recently bought the signature scent pre shave and the bay rum shaving cream and both are absolutely fantastic. The shaving cream really sticks to your face unlike some of the stuff you find in aerosol cans and gives you a real nice close shave.


Got this for my boyfriend for Christmas last year. He has sensitive skin and loves it. His skin is considerably softer and less irritated after shaving now.


How to Use Knightsbridge Signature Shaving Cream

1. Wet your face with warm water. 
This step is pretty simple – using your hands or a face cloth, wet your face with warm water to open up your pores and allow for a closer shave.

Optional: Apply Knightsbridge Signature Pre-Shave Oil to your skin now.  If you’re new to using pre-shave oil, we have a full post showing you How to Use Pre-Shave Oil.

2. Apply a small drop of shaving cream on your fingers.
Work the cream in to your face with your fingers, making sure to get even coverage on your skin.

3. Shave your face with the grain.
Using a razor of your choice, shave your face with the grain.

4.Re-apply as needed.
Depending on how long it has been since your last shave, you may need to re-apply your shaving cream and take another pass at your beard hair.

Follow steps 2 and 3 as needed until your face has been shaved clean.

5. Experience true luxury and enjoy your shave!
In each step, take a moment to relax and enjoy your shaving experience. Men spend an average of 45 days of their lives shaving, so make it a luxurious experience instead of a chore.



Save 25% off your first order of Knightsbridge Signature Shaving Cream

Have you tried our Signature Shaving Cream or Pre-Shave Oil yet?  Save 25% off your first order of Knightsbridge Pre-Shave Oil or Shaving Cream today when you sign up for our mailing list.



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